Report a Problem

Reporting a problem in Red Lake has never been easier. Please use the list below for more information.

Animal Abuse

In cases of suspected animal abuse please contact the Animal Cruelty Hotline at 1-833-9ANIMAL (1-833-926-4625).

Please be prepared to provide the following:

  • The exact location of the animal involved.
  • Your contact information.

Animal Control

If you have a problem with aggressive dogs, at large dogs, or other domestic animal control issues please email the By-Law Enforcement Officer or call (807) 735-2096, or for after hours emergency call (807) 727-2597. 

Please provide the following:

  • The incident of concern
  • The date of the incident
  • Your location
  • Your contact information


If you would like to report a problem at any of our cemeteries please contact us at (807) 727-2089 or send an email to

When reporting a problem at one of our cemeteries please provide the following:

  • State that it is a cemeteries problem
  • A description of the problem
  • The location of the affected cemetery, monument and/or building
  • Your contact information


If you notice standing water, pools or ponds forming beside roadways, in parks or in yards, and think that there may be a drainage problem please call 807-727-2597 or for non-emergency problems send an email to

When reporting a drainage problem please provide the following:

  • State that it is a drainage problem
  • A description of the problem
  • Any additional details (eg. Clogged storm sewer, landscaping, collapsed culvert)
  • Street address, or distance from a well-known landmark (eg. 2.3km from the traffic light towards Madsen)
  • Your contact information

Garbage and Recycling

If you have a problem with aggressive dogs, at large dogs, or other domestic animal control issues please call 807-735-2096 x225, or for after hours emergency call 807-727-2597.

Please provide the following:

  • The incident of concern
  • The date of the incident
  • Your location
  • Your contact information

Grass Cutting

If you notice grass longer than 20cm on Municipal property and think that a cutting would improve the overall appearance of the Municipality please send an email to

If you would like to report grass longer than 30cm on private property please send an email to the By-law Enforcement Officer or call (807) 735-2096.

When reporting a grass cutting problem please provide the following:

  • State that it is a grass cutting problem
  • A description of the problem
  • Street address, or distance from a well-known landmark (eg. 2.3km from the traffic light towards Madsen)
  • Your contact information

Parking Lots

For information about on-street parking during street maintenance operations, vehicles towed during street maintenance, and problems with municipal parking spaces please call 807-735-2096 or send an email to the By-Law Enforcement Officer

To report illegal parking, request information about parking fines and to report a parking signage problem call (807) 735-2096 or send an email to the By-law Enforcement Officer.

To inquire about about the availability of parking spaces please call (807) 735-2096.

When reporting a parking issue please provide the following:

  • State that it is a parking issue
  • A description of the problem
  • The location of the problem, or an approximate distance from a known landmark
  • Your contact information


Road maintenance issues such as dust, dirt, bumps, dips and other road surface problems can be reported either by calling (807) 727-2597 or by sending an email to If you are reporting a non-emergency problem you may find that sending an email will help you better track the status of your problem (as you will have an email record of any steps taken).

In emergency situations please call (807) 727-2597 as that number is monitored 24hrs and day to quickly respond to problems.

When reporting a roads problem please provide the following:

  • State that it is a roads problem
  • A description of the problem (eg. Dust, pothole, or crumbling shoulder)
  • Street address, or distance from a well-known landmark (eg. 2.3km from the traffic light towards madsen)
  • Your contact information


For sewer and storm-sewer problems contact Public Works at (807) 727-2597. This number is monitored 24hrs a day for a timely response to emergencies. If you have a non emergency sewer or storm-sewer problem you can use the number above or you can send an email to

When sending a message to the Public Works Department please provide the following:

  • State that it is a sewer problem
  • A description of the problem
  • The location (street, house number, town) of the problem
  • Your contact information

Street Lights

Street light bulbs are replaced at two times during the year. The Municipality does not have the necessary equipment to change street lights or staff qualified to operate such machinery. Contractors from Kenora come at intervals to Red Lake and while they are here, we have them replace lamps that have been reported as broken. As we do not know when the contractors will be in town please report any street lighting problems as soon as possible. To report a broken street light please send an email to or call (807) 727-2597.

When reporting a broken street light please provide the following:

  • State that it is a street light problem
  • The closest street address to the affected light
  • The pole number (written on the pole)
  • Your contact information

Street Signs

If you notice a problem with signs on municipal roadways please call (807) 727-2597 or send an email to

When reporting a signage problem please provide the following:

  • State that it is a signage problem
  • A description of the problem
  • The location of the problem sign
  • Your contact information


If you think that your street may have missed being cleared, or to report a problem or concern with snow removal, or to report a snowy/icy sidewalk please call (807) 727-2597 or for non-emergency problems please send an email to If you are reporting a non-emergency problem you may find that sending an email to will help you better track the status of your problem (as you will have an email record of any steps taken).

Note that a windrow or snow bank at the end of your driveway is a side effect of road clearing and is not a Municipal responsibility. We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you would like to report someone plowing or dumping snow from a private driveway onto the street you will need to document the incident as well as possible and forward the information to the By-law Enforcement Officer. You can send an email to the By-law Enforcement Officer or call 807-735-2096.

When reporting a snow problem please provide the following:

  • State that it is a snowplowing problem
  • A description of the problem (eg. Unplowed road, drifted snow, impassible windrow on a municipal roadway)
  • Street address, or distance from a well-known landmark (eg. 2.3km from the traffic light towards Madsen)
  • Your contact information


For water problems contact Public Works at (807) 727-2597. This number is monitored 24hrs a day for timely response to emergencies. If you have a non emergent water problem or to report a possible broken water main you can use the number above or you can send an email to

When sending a message to the Public Works Department please provide the following:

  • State that it is a water problem
  • A description of the problem
  • The location (street, house number, town) of the problem
  • The the amount of water, direction of flow (to establish priority in case of multiple water breaks)
  • Your contact information

Water Shut Off or Turned On?

If you would like your water shut off please call (807) 735-2096. This first step will allow us to stop billing your account, and to schedule a time to have your water shut off. All requests will be handled as soon as time allows.

When requesting a water shut off please provide the following:

  • State that you would like your water shut off
  • An approximate date for the shut off
  • Your location
  • Your contact information

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