Community Improvement Plan>
The Community Improvement Plan (CIP) provides a framework to help stimulate business development within the Municipality, provide a range of housing types to residents and overall enhance the quality of life in Red Lake.
The plan includes eight financial incentive opportunities that are designed to encourage investment, rehabilitation and adaptive reuse redevelopment and construction activity in Red Lake. The incentives contained within the CIP include grants for work proposed under these eight incentives. The program can be used individually and most programs can be stacked together for a particular project(s).
Eligible applicants are building owners within the defined eligible project area as highlighted on the maps below:

CIP Financial Incentives Package
Access the CIP Incentives Package for detailed information on each of the Programs.
How the Red Lake CIP Works
Access the How CIP Works for a summary of the application process.
CIP Application Form
Please fill out the CIP Application form and return to the Planning Department at the Municipal Office - 2 Fifth Street, Balmertown, ON or email to
CIP Incentive Programs
The Design and Study Grant may be available to eligible applicants for the completion of studies, plans or designs that will investigate the site-specific potential of an improvement project. The grant is intended to aid with initial background planning and design in support of improvement projects on eligible properties.
The Planning Application and Building Permit Fee Grant may be available to eligible applicants to offset the planning and building fees required by the Municipality.
The Façade, Signage and Landscape Improvement Grant may be available to eligible applicants to assist with the financing improvements to an existing building's façade or signage, or to assist with other eligible improvements to private property (i.e. landscaping). This grant is intended to promote aesthetic and functional improvements to buildings and properties, which otherwise may not occur due to cost premiums associated with these improvements.
The Parking Optimization Grant will assist eligible applicants with improvements to private property, which will optimize the amount and quality of off-street parking and will encourage the creation of new private parking spaces within the CIPA's.
The Building and Accessibility Improvement Grant may be available to eligible applicants to assist with improvements to existing buildings, such as the removal of barriers to increase accessibility for people with disabilities that may otherwise be considered cost prohibitive. This program is intended to support improvements to private property to meet the current Building Code and Ontario's accessibility laws and standards in order to provide for safe and usable eligible uses.
The Commercial and Rental Housing Conversion and Expansion Grant may be available to eligible applicants to assist in the small-scale conversion of existing vacant space (or underused space) into new commercial, rental housing, mixed-use and other eligible uses. The purpose of this program is to support growing businesses and increase the number of affordable housing units in Red Lake.
The TIEG program will provide a grant to eligible applicants, which is equivalent to a percentage of the Municipal portion of a property tax increment that is incurred because of an improvement project. The purpose of the TIEG is to stimulate investment by effectively deferring part of the increase in property taxation because of adaptive reuse, building rehabilitation and retrofit works.
The Brownfield Financial Tax Incentive Program provides tax assistance to eligible applicants whose properties require environmental remediation and/or risk assessment/management prior to redevelopment, in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001. Municipal property tax incentives are provided to eligible applicants. This program also provides the opportunity for education tax assistance through the Brownfield Financial Tax Incentive - a program administered by the province, which requires a separate application and is subject to approval by the Minister of Finance.
Contact Information
For additional information on the CIP please contact the Planning Department:
Phone: 807-735-2096 ext. 234
Address: Municipal Office - 2 Fifth Street, Balmertown, ON
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The Corporation of the Municipality of Red Lake
2 Fifth Street,
P.O. Box 1000
Balmertown, ON, P0V 1C0
P: (807) 735-2096
F: (866) 681-2954
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