By-Laws and Resolutions>
Links to frequently accessed By-Laws can be found on this page.
This listing contains By-Laws that are commonly requested - to request a specific By-Law or conduct a search please contact the clerk's department at 807-735-2096 x234 or via
Frequently Requested By-Laws
For the Official Plan and Zoning By-Law please visit our property and planning page.
- Animal Control By-Law, 02-2024 Animal Control By-Law Set Fines
- Business Licenses, 1783-13, and Amending By-Law 26-2021
- Cats, 254-03
- Cemetery, 1704-12
- Culvert Installation, 1765-13
- Discharge of Firearms, 37-2016, and Amending By-Law 54-2016
- Dogs, 27-2021
- Emergency Management, 94-2016
- Exotic Animals, 901-07
- Feeding of Wildlife, 41-2015-
- Fees, (Current)
- Financial Hardship, 275-03
- Fire Permits, 38-2018
- House and Lot Numbering, 521-04
- Noise, 1083-08
- Parking, 81-2016, and Amending By-Laws 86-2016, 74-2020, 81-2022
- Parks & Property, 1031-08
- Procedural, 25-2021
- Property Standards, 23-01, and Amending By-Laws 146-02, 1628-12, 66-2016
- Snow Removal, 40-2024.
- Snowmobiles, 5-01, and Amending Bylaw 1731-13
- Speed and Street Sign By-Law, 1235-09, and Amending By-Laws 77-2016 , 82-2022
- Taxi, 1739-13, and Amending By-Law 55-2022
- Waste Management, 77-2018
- Water and Sewer Works, 949-07,-1557-11
- Water Meters, 1030-08, and Amending By-Laws 1706-12, 17-2020 Set Fines
- Yard Maintenance, 902-07, and Amending Bylaws 1375-10 and 1652-12
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a By-Law
- A By-Law is an ordinance created by your municipal council to meet the needs of citizens and resolve issues.
What is a Resolution
- In general terms a Resolution is a decision to do or not do something, or the formalization of a motion.
More Questions about By-Laws and Resolutions
For more information about By-Laws and Resolutions contact the Clerk's Department at 807-735-2096
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The Corporation of the Municipality of Red Lake
2 Fifth Street,
P.O. Box 1000
Balmertown, ON, P0V 1C0
P: (807) 735-2096
F: (866) 681-2954
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