Memorial Tree Program>
A Memorial Tree is a unique way to provide a living tribute in memory of a friend or loved one.
It can provide a sense of comfort and a site of reflection for our community.
The Municipality of Red Lake operates a memorial tree program at Phillip Thomas Vinet Centennial Park and Rahill Beach. Revenue from the memorial tree program is used to create a reserve that will fund the future replacement of trees in the parks.
A Memorial Tree has many benefits!
- Park visitors can enjoy the harmonization of parks with the surrounding forests, with memorial trees adding character and beauty.
- Residents can mark trees for the commemoration of friends and loved ones. Visitors to the the parks can view many different varieties of tree in an accessible location.
- Environmentally trees naturally filter pollutants, carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide. Trees consume run-off water that would normally flow into our storm system and waterways. They provide homes, food and protection for birds and mammals. Planting diverse species of trees prevents a development of monoculture that can devastate parks and forests.
Memorial Tree Program Fees
Location: Phillip Thomas Vinet Centennial Park>
$360 /tree
- One tree of your choice
- Tree replacement for 10 Years*
- Vinyl plaque mounted on a 12" post
- Three lines of text on plaque
- First option to renew memorial after 10 years*
- Plaque replacement for the life of associated tree(s)
Plus Applicable Taxes, *In the case a tree dies or is destroyed
Location: Rahill Beach>
$360 /tree
- One tree of your choice
- Tree replacement for 10 Years*
- Vinyl plaque mounted on 12" post
- Three lines of text on plaque
- First option to renew memorial after 10 years*
- Plaque replacement for the life of associated tree(s)
Plus Applicable Taxes, *In the case a tree dies or is destroyed
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The Corporation of the Municipality of Red Lake
2 Fifth Street,
P.O. Box 1000
Balmertown, ON, P0V 1C0
P: (807) 735-2096
F: (866) 681-2954
Send an Email
How to choose a Memorial Tree
Listing of memorial trees at Phillip Tomas Vinet Centennial Park

Code |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
A1–A9 | ‘Prairie Spire’ Green Ash | Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Rugby’ |
B1-B3 | Cutleaf Weeping Birch | Betula pendula laciniata |
C1-C9 | White Spruce | Picea glauca ‘Densata’ |
E1-E4 | White Elm | Ulmus americana ‘Brandon’ |
F1-F7 | ‘Prairie Spire’ Green Ash | Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Rugby’ |
G1-G5 | ‘Gladiator’ Rosybloom Crabapple | Malus x adstringens ‘Durleo’ |
H1-H2 | Black Walnut | Juglans nigra |
J1-J2 | Butternut | Juglans cinerea |
K1-K2 | Ohio Buckeye | Aesculus glabra |
L1, L4 | American Basswood (Linden) | Tilia americana |
L2, L3, L5 | ‘Harvest Gold’ Linden | Tilia mongolica ‘Harvest Gold’ |
M1-M4 | Silver Maple | Acer saccharinum ‘Silver Cloud’ |
P1-P6 | Columnar Swedish Aspen | Populus tremula ‘Erecta’ |
Q1-Q3 | Bur Oak | Quercus macrocarpa |
R1-R2 | Northern Pin Oak | Quercus ellipsoidalis |
S1-S2 | European Mountain-ash | Sorbus aucuparia |
X1-X3 | Cottonwood (hybrid) | Populus x canadensis ‘Prairie Sky’ |
Listing of memorial trees at Rahill Beach

Code |
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
A1–A2 | Green Ash | Fraxinus pennsylvanica |
B1 | Cutleaf Weeping Birch | Betula pendula laciniata |
C1 | Red Pine | Pinus resinosa |
E1-E6 | White Elm | Ulmus americana ‘Brandon’ |
F1-F7 | ‘Prairie Spire’ Green Ash | Fraxinus pennsylvanica ‘Rugby’ |
H1 | Hackberry | Celtis occidentalis (adopted) |
J1-J2 | Butternut | Juglans cinerea |
L1 | American Basswood (Linden) | Tilia americana |
M1, 2, 5, 8 | Silver Maple | Acer saccharinum (adopted) |
M3, 4, 6 | Silver Maple | Acer saccharinum |
M7 | ‘Freeman’ Maple | Acer X freemani |
P1 | Columnar Swedish Aspen | Populus tremula ‘Erecta’ |
S1 | Silver Buffaloberry | Shepherdia argentea (male plant) |
W1, 2, 3 | ‘Silky’ White Willow | Salix alba sericea (adopted) |
W4-W8 | ‘Silky’ White Willow | Salix alba sericea |
W9 | Laurel Willow | Salix pentandra |